A Response to the Events of July 13th, 2024
Many of us have been shaken by the recent news of the attempted assassination of the former President and current presidential candidate, Donald Trump, which took place in Pennsylvania on Saturday. This event has undoubtedly stirred up a range of emotions and concerns within our community.
What marks our uniquely Christian response right now is the following, which I hope you will practice in the coming days and months:
Pray for Peace
Look to the Prince of Peace
Commit to Peacemaking
A Prayer for Our Nation by Pastor Jessica Thompson
Heavenly Father,
Our hearts our troubled. Our nation is troubled. We awoke this morning in a different reality than what we awoke to yesterday. We grieve this new reality. We grieve the lives lost. We grieve that we are a nation where this would even be a possibility. We grieve that violence is in our hearts. We grieve the division our country has seen over the last decade. We grieve friends lost. We grieve relatives divided. We grieve hearts hard towards each other. Our wounds are deep.
The reality that our brothers and sisters in Pennsylvania experienced yesterday is a tragedy and we ask for mental and emotional healing. The images that our country’s eyes have seen are disturbing and disorienting. And yet, for so many our hearts are numb and apathetic. We grieve that too.
We look to you,
The One who holds our future
We look to you,
The One who holds our past
We look to you,
the softener and uniter of hearts.
You are the Prince of Peace.
Please bring peace to our nation
You are the author of Shalom.
Please bring shalom to this country.
Calm anxious hearts
Quiet raging minds
Renew hope for the hopeless
Bring clarity to the confused
Please help us to spread shalom.
While we are grateful for the freedoms we enjoy, we ask for forgiveness for the times we have placed too much hope in this country. Forgive us for elevating politics above loving you and others. We ask that you continue to turn our eyes to you.
We acknowledge that this world is not our home. We are awaiting a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no death and no violence. A home where you yourself will wipe away every tear from our eyes. A home where peace and love will overflow from each of our hearts.
Until that day make us conduits of kindness and love here.
Until that day may we be known as a people of peace.
Until that day may we hold the wounds of our nation, with all of the conflicting uncertainties, and may remember we are held by you.
May the Peace of Christ be with us and in us all.
Peacemakers: A Prayer for Risen Church
by Stephanie Christensen
Lord, we come before you after the events that took place yesterday with a variety of thoughts and emotions, and we submit them all to you. PAUSE. We also come before you, as a people united by the unchangeable truths of your Gospel, that Jesus is alive and your Spirit is with us. Your Word tells us, “in this world we will have trouble. But you have overcome the world.” It is because of this truth that we can face tragedy and still have peace. Peace that you have won on our behalf so that we can live at peace with you, love you, and we can love our neighbors. We praise you and thank you for this remarkable gift of grace. Thank you, Jesus!
Lord, we ask that you use us, use RISEN Church, as Your agents of peace in a world that is in desperate need of it. We ask that we be a safe place for our neighbors to process what has taken place, and may we be able to show others a better way, because you have shown us your way.
For our neighbors who are afraid, may we be steadfast in our faith, reflecting our God who is trustworthy and true.
For our neighbors who are angry, and filled with hate, may we be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger in turn, reflecting our God who is merciful and compassionate.
For our neighbors who are sad, may we bring comfort reflecting our God who sees and hears all people and all things.
For our neighbors who are apathetic, may we bring care and concern reflecting our Savior who wept over the death of a friend.
For our neighbors who respond with humor, may we be patient and understanding reflecting our God who is longsuffering with us.
And, for our neighbors who are questioning, may we encourage curiosity and seeking, knowing it is our God who they will find.
Lord, may we be a church that is marked by our love for you and our love for our neighbors because we understand how greatly you have loved us. We hold fast to the hope we have in Jesus, and the promise that you will come again making all things right and new. And when we forget this truth, may we remind each other of the peace and hope we have in Christ now and into eternity. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
When you Feel Scared
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deut. 31:8)
Dear God, I feel so worried right now. Will you please give me courage? Help me to trust you and take the next step forward, even though I’m feeling scared. Help me to remember that you will be with me wherever I go. Amen.