We partner with families to teach our children God’s love for them. Maintaining a child - centered atmosphere that is welcoming and engaging is our priority. Our teachers are encouraged to engage with the children while striving to understand an individual child’s temperament, personality, likes, and dislikes. Our goal is to teach and display the gospel of Jesus Christ to every child who participates in any of our programs.
10:00 AM | Call to Worship, 2 Songs, kids (0-2 yrs.) may be dropped off to the nursery
10:15 AM | Pass the Peace, Kids dismissed to Kid’s Club
10:25 AM | 2 Songs, Scripture Reading
10:35 AM | Message
11:00 AM | Communion, 1 Song,
11:10 AM | Benediction, Kids pick-up
Our Sunday Kid’s Club involves singing and teaching, arts and crafts, and interactive games and activities. We aim to provide each child with an age-appropriate Bible lesson that will encourage conversations between kids and parents throughout the week. Our teachers are encouraged to engage with the children while striving to understand an individual child’s temperament, personality, likes, and dislikes. Our goal is to teach and display the gospel of Jesus Christ to every child who participates in any of our programs.
We desire to be a spiritual home for all families, especially impacted by disability. We have an active disability ministry currently focused on:
Providing community and belonging for families with kids with disabilities and diverse learners.
Designing “inclusive family events” that offer a range of fun and accessible activities for all abilities.
Equipping our children’s ministry volunteers to promote active engagement of children with disabilities in Kid’s Club.
Check in: When you arrive, check your kids in at the Welcome Tent. After check-in, all the kids are invited to join their parents/ caregivers for the music portion of worship in the sanctuary. However, kids 2 years and under can be dropped off at the nursery at start of service.
Classroom Dismissal: Kids in the sanctuary will then be dismissed into Kid’s Club after “Pass the Peace” portion of worship. Help your kids find their teachers who will be holding up a signs to one of the 3 classes. The age groups for each class is as follows:
Nursery & Toddlers (0-2 yrs old)
Preschool & Kindergarten
1st-4th grade
5th-8th grade
Feel free to walk with your kids to their class if it’s their first time.
Check Out: Check-out will occur in each child's classroom area.
Our Sunday program involves worship time, in the sanctuary, as a church family. We utilize lesson plans from The Gospel Project as well as arts and crafts, interactive games and activities. We aim to provide each child with an age-appropriate Bible lesson that will encourage conversations between kids and parents throughout the week. The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact our children’s director Alisa Robertson.