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Worship & Kid’s program starts at 10:00 AM
Liturgy is the form of worship that a church participates in when it assembles. Liturgy simply means “the work of the people.” It means that our worship is participatory. From the moment you step through the doors at Risen Church, we want you to encounter the beautiful Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every element of our worship service is centered on the Gospel and takes the form of the following:
Call to Worship - We are invited to worship as God’s “calls” on us.
Praise & music - We respond & express our worship in gratitude through music and song.
Prayer - We are listening & talking to God.
Passing the Peace aka “Family Time” - We extend God’s welcome to one another.
Scripture Reading - We proclaim the Gospel from God’s word.
A Message - We expound the Gospel and its implications.
Prayer & Reflection - We confess & repent of our sins, and we believe in the Gospel.
Benediction - We are sent out with a blessing.
What About Kids?
We partner with families to teach our children God’s love for them. Every Sunday, your child will have fun while learning and developing friendships. Our Sunday kids club serves 0-10years old.
Check In: Kid’s club starts at 10:00AM. Bring your children to the Welcome table at the entrance of the school and one of our team members will be ready to serve you and help you check in. Children are also welcome in the sanctuary if you choose not to participate in Kid’s club.
Nursing Moms: We have a Nursing Moms area in the sanctuary, located immediately to the right of the entrance. You may access that area throughout the service as needed. Please no men allowed.
Kids Club Curriculum: Our curriculum involves singing and teaching, arts and crafts, and interactive games and activities. We aim to provide each child with an age-appropriate Bible lesson that will encourage conversations between kids and parents throughout the week. We have adopted the Orange 252 curriculum to guide us each week.
Our Location
11840 Scripps Creek Dr, San Diego, CA 92131